Perllanau Afallon
Apple juicing, orchards, fruit tree pruning
Perllanau Afallon is a new business that grew from the wish to see more local fruit and vegetable produce to eat in season, and to help people tend their own fruit trees. And it’s such a joy to be in orchards that are full of blossom or fruit!
These are our orchard services:
The itinerant cider press is coming to your place to make juice from your own apples or pears. Fruit is often all ripe at the same time, and after having put enough in store for the winter, and making tons of cakes, jams and jellies, and chutneys, you need an idea what to do with the rest! Why not press your own juice and either let it go to cider, or pasteurize it to make it keep. The juice from your own apples really is much tastier than shop juice, and you can decide to either mix different varieties, or keep them apart and create your very own “single variety” juice.
We have made juice from Bethesda people’s apples and pears at the community Apple Day since 2017, and it has become a popular day in the village diary. Look out for the second half of October! We will also hold apple pressing days in other communities, or why not organise one for your school, group, business, family…
Fruit tree pruning and care
To keep your fruit trees healthy and fruitful, we will come and professionally prune your trees. The winter is traditionally a busy time to prune apple and pear trees, but there are pruning jobs to do in spring and summer too. I learned my craft from Ian Sturrock, the Welsh Perry and Cider Society, and the orchard wardens of Erddig and Ragman’s Lane Farm, and looking after the orchards at Moelyci, before I decided to offer pruning services to others.
The work depends on the type and age of the trees, and on how they’ve been pruned before. Sometimes it takes a few years to get a tree back into shape and production, so be patient!
You might feel inspired to plant your own orchard, maybe just one tree to start with. Orchards are wonderful places. You can see the seasons evolve from buds to blossom to fruit, and they can be very special places for all sorts of wild flowers and animals and are therefore worth protecting. We can help you plan and prepare the site for your orchard, choose new trees to plant, and give advice on how to look after your trees.
We will also give talks and training sessions.
You will certainly get pleasure from your trees and your fruit!
Contact Details
Contact Name | Judith Kaufmann |
Phone | +447967 115508 |
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